Thursday, February 10, 2011

VSAQs - Chapters- VI, VII & X

Chapter VI
Market, Local market, Very short period, Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopolistic competition, Duopoly, Perfect competition, Equilibrium price, Price discrimination, Prodcut differentiation, Selling costs, Interdependence, Price leadership, Rigid price, Equilibrium of a firm, National market, Short period, Long period
Chapter VII
Distribution, Functional distribution, Personal income distribution, MP theory, Contract rent, Economic rent, Differential surplus, Scarcity rent, Quasi rent, Transfer earnings, Subsistence theory, Wage fund theory, Money wage, Real wage Piece wage, Time wage, Loanable funds, Net interest, Gross intertest, Net profit gross profit, Innovations, Normal profit, Abnormal profit, Liquidity preference
Chapter X
Money, Barter system, Currency, Liquidity, Near money, Commodity money, Legal tender money, Optional money, Credit money, Standard money, Token money, Savings deposits, Current deposits, Term deposits, Recurring deposits, Demand deposits, Time deposits, Demand loans, Cash credit, Overdraft, Discunting bills of exchange, Lender of last resort, Clearing house, Inflation, Creeping inflation, Walking inflation, Running inflation, Galloping inflation, Demand pull inflation, Cost Push inflation, Open inflation, Suppressed inflation, Creation of credit & RBI

VSAQs - Chapterwise- I, IV & V

Dear students,
The following is the exhaustive list of VSAQs from Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10.
This list is sufficient even for IPE.
Chapter I
Free goods, Economic goods, Consumer goods, Produccer goods, Intermediate goods, Wealth Income, Circular flow of Income, Utility, Value, Welfare, Prob of Choice, Alternative uses, Deductive method, Inductive method, Economic statics, Economic dynamics, Partial equilibrium, General equilibrium, Microeconomics & Macroeconomics
Chapter IV
Ordinal utility, Scale of preferences, Iso utility curve, Transitivity, indifference schedule, MRS, Indifference map, Properties of ICs, Budget line, Changes in Budget line, Shifts in Budget line, Equilibrium
Chapter V
Production, Production function, Land, Labour, Capital, Entrepreneur, MP, AP, TP, Returns to scale, Economies of large scale, Internal econmies, External economies, Diseconomies, Stock & supply, Supply function, Money cost, Real cost, Opportunity cost, Fixed cost, Variable cost, AC, MC, AR, MR, TR, Supply schedule, Fixed factors, Variable factors, Relationship between AC & MC