Friday, March 11, 2011


Dear students,
Please follow the following instructions.
+ Write at least four 2m answers per page. U will then be using 4 pages for VSAQs. Write 16 VSAQs.
+ Restrict the length of LAQ answers to 3 pages. All 3 LAQs put together can be alloted 10 pages.
+ Restrict the length of each 5m answer to one page. However 10 pages can be used for all the SAQs put together.
+ Read the question paper twice. First answer the questions U know very well.
+ Accommodate the diagrams & formulae as shown in model presentation.
First years download the model presentation from
Second years download it from

Wish U all Grand Success. May God be with U & help & guide U all throughout Ur Exams.

Sai Latha

1 comment:

  1. mam may i know the answers for the following 2marks question????
    priority sectors
